Overview of Glaucoma | RxWiki Leave a comment


Here’s the rundown on glaucoma—the second leading treatable cause of blindness and vision loss in the U.S.

Glaucoma is a condition in which deterioration of the optic nerve leads to progressive vision loss. It is the second leading treatable cause of blindness in the United States. Worldwide, glaucoma is among the top three causes of blindness.

About 3 million Americans age 40 years and older have glaucoma. The most common form of the condition is open-angle glaucoma. This type does not cause symptoms in its early stages. About 50% of those with glaucoma do not realize they have it.

The risk of glaucoma varies with race and age. Glaucoma is:

  • Four times more common in Hispanics
  • Five times more common in blacks than in whites
  • Occurs more frequently with increasing age

According to data from the National Eye Institute, the prevalence of glaucoma is:

  • Less than 1% in people age 40 to 49
  • 3% by age 70
  • Nearly 8% by age 80

Two main forms of glaucoma exist:

  • Open-angle glaucoma progresses slowly and produces no symptoms until its late stages. This form of glaucoma is equally common in men and women. It is responsible for about 90% of glaucoma cases.
  • Angle-closure, or closed-angle, glaucoma is responsible for almost 10% of glaucoma cases. It occurs more often in people of Asian descent. Women are at greater risk than men, as are people who are diagnosed with farsightedness.
  • Both types of glaucoma can lead to blindness. The blindness is caused by damage to the optic nerve. Many people with glaucoma have intraocular pressure (IOP) that is too high for the optic nerve to tolerate. IOP is the pressure exerted by the fluids inside the eyeball.

Early detection and treatment of elevated IOP levels can help prevent damage to the optic nerve.

About 50% of people with glaucoma in North America have high IOP levels. People with normal IOP levels can also suffer damage to the optic nerve. These individuals may have extremely pressure-sensitive optic nerves. Or it could be due to different factors, such as compromised blood circulation, that may damage the optic nerve.


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