Daily Health Screenings Leave a comment

Daily Health Screenings

 All of the tests listed below are done by our pharmacists , and the results are available in 5-10 minutes. Upon completion of the test, we are happy to take the time and thoroughly go over the results, what they mean to you, and what the next step may be. We also have a surplus of information you can take home or access on the internet. This is a service we offer so that you can take control of your health!

Cholesterol Tests
Complete Lipid Profile (fasting required)…………………$35
→Results show Total Cholesterol, LDL, HDL, Triglycerides, VLDL,& TC/HDL ratio
Total Cholesterol / Glucose (fasting not required)……$15
→Results show Total Cholesterol and glucose level

Osteoporosis Screening

Bone Density Test ……………………………………………………$30
→Results show your bone density compared to average, and risk of osteoporosis

Diabetes Testing

Glucose Test ……………………………………………………………Free
→Results show current sugar level in blood and risk of developing diabetes
→The ADA states this test is useful for all those who are 45 years and over
Hemoglobin A1c Test ………………………………………………$20
→Results show your average glucose levels over the past three months

Liver Function Test

ALT Level ………………………………………………………………….$20
→Results give an indication of general liver health
→Especially useful for those who take drugs that can be harmful to the liver such as the popular class of cholesterol medications referred to as the “statins”

Prostate Screening

P.S.A. Test (Prostate Specific Antigen)…………………….$30
→Results help to screen for prostate cancer

Blood Pressure Screening

Blood Pressure Machine …………………………………………FREE
Manual BP Measurement ………………………………………..Free
Other Tests
Blood Typing …………………………………………………………….$10
→Results show your blood type.
Body Fat Analysis …………………………………………………….$10
→Results show your percentage of body fat, and compare to optimal based on age and height.

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