A Diagnostic Test for Breast Milk? Leave a comment


(RxWiki News) The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the marketing of a human milk analyzer to measure breast milk nutrients.

This test is called the Miris Human Milk Analyzer.

This diagnostic test can help health care providers measure nutrients in breast milk, such as the concentration of carbohydrates, fat, protein, total solids and energy.

As a result, the health care provider can gain a better sense of what newborns and young infants will receive if breastfed. This can help them better assess nutrient needs and guide nutrition for babies who may need additional nutrients to support their growth, such as infants who are at risk for growth failure due to prematurity or those with other medical conditions.

The composition of breast milk varies, and in some cases, breast milk may not have enough protein and energy levels for infants who are not growing as expected. These infants may have additional nutrient needs. In some cases, the health care team and parents may decide to fortify the breast milk.

The Miris Human Milk Analyzer is a prescription device and is to be used by trained health care personnel in a clinical laboratory.

This marketing approval came after the FDA reviewed data from 112 samples of human milk and compared the data to the expected true values obtained by independent methods. The Miris Human Milk Analyzer provided similar results for each test.

It is important to note that some medications the nursing mother takes may affect the Miris Human Milk Analyzer’s ability to accurately measure nutrient levels.

Speak with your health care provider about any concerns or questions you have about the best way to feed your baby.


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