style = “”;
style += “font-size:14px;”;
style += “font-weight:normal;”;
style += “font-family:monospace;”;
style += “white-space: nowrap;”;
style += “padding: 5px;”;
style += “display: table;”;
style += “overflow: hidden;”;
style += “width: 100%;”;
style += “background: #DADADA;”;
style += “margin-bottom: 2px;”;
var logbox = $(“#log-box”);
if(dbug >= 2 && dbug “+$.timeStamp()+” “+str+””);
logbox.scrollTop(logbox[0].scrollHeight – logbox.height() + 100);
//check if we need to attach events to new elements
if(dbug >= 4){
console.log = function(str) {
if(typeof str === “object” && !Array.isArray(str) && str !== null)
str = str.toSource();
“+$.timeStamp()+” “+str+”
console.error = console.debug = console.info = console.log;
logbox.scrollTop(logbox[0].scrollHeight – logbox.height() + 100);
//check if we need to attach events to new elements
$.logHelper = function(arr,level) {
var str = “”;
//The padding given at the beginning of the line.
var padding = “”;
for(var j=0;j
str += $.logHelper(value,level+1);
} else
str += “
“+temp + “‘” + item + “‘ => “” + value + “””;
str += ” }”;
} else
str = arr;
return str;
$.gaEvent = function(name,label,value) {
if(value===undefined || value==null || value==””) {
$.log(“G.A. Event – name: ‘”+name+”‘ label: ‘”+label);
ga(‘send’, ‘event’, ‘kalturaPlayer’, name, label);
$.log(“G.A. Event – name: ‘”+name+”‘ label: ‘”+label+”‘ value: ‘”+value+”‘”);
ga(‘send’, ‘event’, ‘kalturaPlayer’, name, label, value);
$.timeStamp = function() {
var now = new Date();
var date = [ now.getMonth() + 1, now.getDate(), now.getFullYear() ];
var time = [ now.getHours(), now.getMinutes(), now.getSeconds() ];
var suffix = ( time[0] “)
try {
console.log(“Text copied to clipboard”);
} catch (err) {
console.log(“Oops, unable to copy”);
$.fn.kalturaPlayer = function(options) {
var playerId = ($(this) !== undefined) ? $(this).attr(‘id’) : ‘videoPlayer’;
var kalturaId = (options.kalturaId !== undefined) ? options.kalturaId : 101;
var kalturaUi = (options.kalturaUi !== undefined) ? options.kalturaUi : 23448200;
var adTagUrl = (options.adTagUrl !== undefined) ? options.adTagUrl : “”;
var livedbug = $.getQuery(window.location,”dbug”);
dbug = livedbug != false && $.arrayContains([0,1,2,3],parseInt(livedbug)) ? parseInt(livedbug) :
(options.dbug !== undefined) ? options.dbug :
var enableAds = (options.enableAds !== undefined) ? options.enableAds : false;
var adReplay = (options.adReplay !== undefined) ? options.adReplay : false;
var enableAdsMobile = (options.enableAdsMobile !== undefined) ? enableAds && options.enableAdsMobile && kWidget.isMobileDevice() : false;
if(options.testMobileAdUrl !== undefined)
adTagUrl = options.testMobileAdUrl;
var enablePreroll = (options.adType !== undefined) ? options.adType == “pre” : false;
var enableMidroll = (options.adType !== undefined) ? options.adType == “mid” : false; //not implemented yet since kaltura doesn’t really support it
var enablePostroll = (options.adType !== undefined) ? options.adType == “post” : false;
var adLimit = (options.adLimit !== undefined) ? options.adLimit : 2;
$.log(“Maximum number of video ads: “+adLimit);
livedbug = $.getQuery(window.location,”timeout”);
adTimeout = livedbug != false ? parseInt(livedbug) :
(options.adTimeout !== undefined) ? options.adTimeout :
var videoUrl = (options.videoUrl !== undefined) ? options.videoUrl : “”;
var videoThumbnailUrl = (options.videoThumbnailUrl !== undefined) ? options.videoThumbnailUrl : “”;
var videoName = (options.videoName !== undefined) ? options.videoName : “”;
var videoDescription = (options.videoDescription !== undefined) ? options.videoDescription : “”;
var videoDuration = (options.videoDuration !== undefined) ? options.videoDuration : “”;
var videoPlaylist = (options.videoPlaylist !== undefined) ? options.videoPlaylist : [];
var supportedProviders = {
url : [“yumenetworks.com”, “daptv.advertising.com”,”bnmla.com”,”optimatic.com”,”btrll.com”,”fastclick.net”],
type : [“yumenetworks”, “adapttv”, “bnmla”, “optimatic”, “btrll”, “fastclick”]
var supportedProvidersMobile = [“optimatic”,”btrll”];
var supportedProvidersNested = [“bnmla”,”fastclick”];
var flashvars = {};
adlock = 0;
globallock = 0;
nestedXML = “”;
nestedObject = 0;
adNowPlayingText = (options.adNowPlayingText !== undefined) ? options.adNowPlayingText : false;
oldNowPlayingText = $(“#now-playing .np-descript”).html();//placeholder for the old html that will be replaced by `adNowPlayingText` until the ad finishes
var faillock = 0;
var playlist = Object.keys(videoPlaylist).length; //true or a number
var playlistLimit = (playlist) ? Object.keys(videoPlaylist).length : 1;
var videoNext = (playlistLimit > 1) ? “video2” : “”;
if($.getQuery(window.location,”timeout”) != false)
$.log(“Timeout changed: “+$.getQuery(window.location,”timeout”));
if($.getQuery(window.location,”dbug”) != false)
$.log(“Debugging level: “+$.getQuery(window.location,”dbug”));
function hardcodedUrlLog(){
var adType = “”;
var pageLink = “”;
if(videoUrl== (getVideoContainerBaseURL() + “70c7cc1b-7952-4c14-ac37-8d037e4f525d”)){
hardcodedAdTagUrl = “http://vast.optimatic.com/vast/getVast.aspx?id=q145a541&zone=testing&pageURL=rxwiki.com&pageTitle=http%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.rxwiki.com%25252Fnews-article%25252Fmediterranean-diet-high-olive-oil-linked-breast-cancer-risk-reduction&cb=5119124”;
adType = “Optimatic”;
}else if(videoUrl== (getVideoContainerBaseURL() + “158df1e1-e333-4824-8e8c-f43056a6a3d7”)){
hardcodedAdTagUrl = “http://vast.bp3868203.btrll.com/vast/3868203?n=753124494&br_pageurl=http://www.rxwiki.com/news-article/teens-got-majority-overall-exercise-school-still-fell-short-exercise-recommendations”;
adType = “Brightroll”;
}else if(videoUrl== (getVideoContainerBaseURL() + “158df1e1-e333-4824-8e8c-f43056a6a3d7”)){
hardcodedAdTagUrl = “”;
adType = “Fastclick – not ready yet”;
}else if(videoUrl==””){
hardcodedAdTagUrl = “”;
adType = “BNMLA – not ready yet”;
}else if(videoUrl== (getVideoContainerBaseURL() + “bc52998e-dcac-4c4f-8b0b-7aaf9be209c1”)){
hardcodedAdTagUrl = “http://plg1.yumenetworks.com/yvp/20/2235rfedZeAc/Online_VPAID_RxWiki.xml”;
adType = “Yumenetworks”;
}else if(videoUrl== (getVideoContainerBaseURL() + “db19fbb6-0307-4c09-b4d8-89015538c678”)){
hardcodedAdTagUrl = “http://ads.adaptv.advertising.com/a/h/XIPW9q9MVh1Z8otB0IwpDFeSxk1SQWWwSesrE_807JJejM2JK7C+vi2vAQR1_LA5TuVZj2Zo7Wk=?cb=1291751734&pageUrl=EMBEDDING_PAGE_URL&description=VIDEO_DESCRIPTION&duration=VIDEO_DURATION&id=VIDEO_ID&keywords=VIDEO_KEYWORDS&title=VIDEO_TITLE&url=VIDEO_URL&eov=eov”;
adType = “AdaptTV”;
}else {
hardcodedAdTagUrl = adTagUrl;
hardcodedUrl = false;
adType = “Not a supported provider or not a page from the given list ^”;
$.log(“Using hardcoded urls for select pages”);
var str = “Links to testing pages:
str += “Optimatic
str += “Brightroll
str += “Fastclick
str += “Bnmla
str += “Yumenetworks
str += “AdaptTV
str += “Current page is: “+adType+”“;
livedbug = $.getQuery(window.location,”hardcoded-url”);
var hardcodedUrl = livedbug != false ? livedbug :
enablePreroll && $.log(“Ad is preroll”);
enableMidroll && $.log(“Ad is midroll”);
enablePostroll && $.log(“Ad is postroll”);
var mediaProxy = {
‘entry’: {
“thumbnailUrl”: videoThumbnailUrl,
“name”: videoName,
“description”: videoDescription,
“duration”: videoDuration
‘sources’: [{
“src”: videoUrl + “.ogg”,
“type”: “video/ogg;”
}, {
“src”: videoUrl + “.webm”,
“width”: “624”,
“height”: “352”,
“bandwidth”: “740352”,
“type”: “video/webm; codecs=’vp8, vorbis'”,
}, {
“src”: videoUrl + “.mp4”,
“width”: “640”,
“height”: “360”,
“bandwidth”: “1101824”,
“type”: “video/mp4; codecs=’avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2′”,
function updateNextVideo() {
// update next video
var counter = 1;
var length = Object.keys(videoPlaylist).length;
for (var val in videoPlaylist) {
if (videoNext == val && counter == length) {
videoNext = “video1”;
} else if (videoNext == val) {
videoNext = “video” + (counter + 1);
counter += 1;
function rebuildPlayerWithoutAds() {
var flashvars = {
mediaProxy: mediaProxy,
watermark: {
“plugin” : false,
“img” : “”,
“href” : “”,
“cssClass” : “topRight”
// forceMobileHTML5: true,
controlBarContainer: {
“plugin”: true,
“hover”: true
autoPlay: true,
adsOnReplay: false,
enableCORS: true,
debugMode: dbug==3,
debugLevel: (dbug==3) ? 2 : 0,
autoMute: false,
$.log(“Rebuilding player”);
‘targetId’: playerId,
‘wid’: ‘_’ + kalturaId,
‘uiconf_id’: kalturaUi,
‘flashvars’: flashvars,
function rebuildPlayer() {
var kdp = $(‘#’ + playerId).get(0);
//get next video object
var video = videoPlaylist[videoNext];
var tinythumb = video.thumbnail;
var bigthumb = tinythumb.replace(“scald_playlist”, “scald-drxmin-thumb”);
video.thumbnail = bigthumb;
//get old video sources and update them with the next video object
var sources = mediaProxy.sources;
sources[0].src = getVideoContainerBaseURL() + video.uuid + “.ogg”;
sources[1].src = getVideoContainerBaseURL() + video.uuid + “.webm”;
sources[2].src = getVideoContainerBaseURL() + video.uuid + “.mp4”;
//update the new video palyer sources, thumbnail, description
mediaProxy.sources = sources;
mediaProxy.entry.thumbnailUrl = bigthumb;
mediaProxy.entry.description = video.description;
flashvars.mediaProxy = mediaProxy;
// hide the old next video element
$(“#next-” + videoNext).css({
display: “none”
//make the dropdown button incative
//hide dropdown in case it’s open
//reset videoNext
// show the current next video element
$(“#next-” + videoNext).css({
display: “block”
if (adLimit div”).css({
display: “none”
for (var val in videoPlaylist) {
// update next video
if (videoNext == val) {
// show the current next video element
$(“#next-” + videoNext).css({
display: “block”
counter += 1;
function rebuildCurrentVideoElement(currentVideo) {
//overload to default next video
if (currentVideo == null || currentVideo === undefined)
currentVideo = videoNext;
var str = “”;
str += ‘
Now Playing
str += ‘
‘ + videoPlaylist[currentVideo].description + ‘
function initiateVideo(videoId) {
//default to the global nextVideo
if(videoId === undefined)
videoId = videoNext;
//hide current element
$elem = $(“#player-vjs-playlist”);
if ($elem.css(“display”) == “block”)
$.log(“Next video: ” + videoId);
//set the next video to be played
//either from the next button, the playlist dropdown, or through an automatic switch on video completion
videoNext = videoId;
//disable ad skipping if video is rebuilt
faillock = 0;
function initiateNextVideo() {
// unbind the click event first because kWidget will reinitiate (bind an extra click event)
// this function each time it is loaded
$(“#next-parent > div”).unbind(“click”);
$(“#next-parent > div”).bind(“click”, function() {
// reinitiate the video player to switch videos
function initiatePlaylistDropdown() {
// get dropdown element
$elem = $(“#player-vjs-playlist”);
// attach a click event to each playlist video that will reload the kWidget
$elem.children().each(function() {
var id = $(this).attr(“id”);
if (id.match(/video(d+)/) != null) {
$(this).click(function() {
// reinitiate the video player to switch videos
// unbind the click event first because kWidget will reinitiate (bind an extra click event)
// this function each time it is loaded
$(‘#playlist-btn’).bind(“click”, function() {
var kdp = $(‘#’ + playerId).get(0);
// hide dropdown
if ($elem.css(“display”) == ‘block’) {
// force autoplay
if (!kWidget.isMobileDevice())
display: “none”
display: “none”
// show dropdown
} else {
display: “block”
display: “block”
function disablePlaylist(){
$(“#next-parent > div”).unbind(“click”).hide();
$(“#next-parent > div”).css({
display: “none”
var $elem = $(“#now-playing .np-descript”);
if($elem.html()!==undefined && $elem.html()!=adNowPlayingText)
oldNowPlayingText = $elem.html();//save old html
$elem.html(adNowPlayingText);//update to custom set html
function enablePlaylist(){
if (playlist && !kWidget.isMobileDevice()){
$(“#now-playing .np-descript”).html(oldNowPlayingText);//update to custom set html
function appendAdsVAST(obj, ad) {
if (enablePreroll) {
var temp = {
“prerollUrl”: ad.link,
“prerollUrlJs”: ad.link, //enable support for mobile ads
“numPreroll”: “1”,
“prerollStartWith”: “1”,
“prerollInterval”: “1”,
“preSequence”: “1”,
} else if (enablePostroll) {
var temp = {
“postrollUrl”: ad.link,
“postrollUrlJs”: ad.link, //enable support for mobile ads
“numPostroll”: “1”,
“postrollStartWith”: “1”,
“postrollInterval”: “1”,
“postSequence”: “1”,
for (var val in temp)
obj[val] = temp[val];
return obj;
function playlistEnded() {
// false if not a playlist page
if (!playlist)
return false;
// false if played entire playlist
var autoPlay = playlistLimit “);
$.log(“nnnDFP impression triggered: “+ad.link);
$.log(“nnnDFP impression not triggered, this provider doesn’t support it”);
function sendError(ad){
$.log(“nnnCan’t trigger DFP error on hardcoded ad urls”);
else if(options.testMobileAdUrl!==undefined)
$.log(“nnnCan’t trigger DFP error on hardcoded mobile ad urls”);
else if(ad.link != “”){
$.log(“nnnDFP error triggered: “+ad.link);
$.log(“nnnDFP error not triggered, this provider doesn’t support it”);
function buildVideoPlayer(ad) {
// $.log(“VAST url: “+ad.link);
$.log(“Provider: ” + ad.type);
if(!hardcodedUrl && options.testMobileAdUrl!==undefined){
$.log(“Ad impression uri: “+ad.impression);
$.log(“Ad error uri: “+ad.error);
// if the ad is from our tested providers
if (false) { //disbale doubleclick for now
flashvars = {
“doubleClick”: {
“plugin”: true,
“path”: “http://cdnbakmi.kaltura.com/content/uiconf/ps/veria/kdp3.9.1/plugins/doubleclickPlugin.swf”,
“adTagUrl”: adTagUrl,
“disableCompanionAds”: true,
} else {
flashvars = {
“vast”: {
“plugin”: true,
“position”: “before”,
“timeout”: “30”,
“relativeTo”: “PlayerHolder”,
“skipBtn”: {
“skipOffset” : “60”,
“label” : “Skip Ad”
“adsOnReplay”: adReplay && !playlist,
“inlineScript”: false,
“ForceFlashOnDesktopSafari”: false,
flashvars.vast = appendAdsVAST(flashvars.vast, ad);
if (ad.link == “”) {
flashvars = {};
$.log(“Ads link empty. Disabling ads.”);
if (!enableAds) {
flashvars = {};
$.log(“Ads disabled in settings.”);
} else if (kWidget.isMobileDevice() && !enableAdsMobile) {
flashvars = {};
$.log(“Mobile ads disabled.”);
} else if (kWidget.isMobileDevice() && enableAdsMobile && !$.arrayContains(supportedProvidersMobile,ad.type)) {
flashvars = {};
$.log(“Only enable supported mobile ad providers. This provider is not supported: “+ad.type);
// if ads had been disabled by now and we are on the playlist page
if(flashvars.vast=={} && playlist)
flashvars.watermark = {
“plugin” : false,
“img” : “”,
“href” : “”,
“cssClass” : “topRight”
// flashvars.forceMobileHTML5 = true;
mediaProxy.preferedFlavorBR = -1;
flashvars.mediaProxy = mediaProxy;
flashvars.controlBarContainer = {
“plugin”: true,
“hover”: true
flashvars.adsOnReplay = adReplay && !playlist;
flashvars.autoPlay = !kWidget.isMobileDevice();
flashvars.enableCORS = true;
flashvars.debugMode = dbug==3,
flashvars.debugLevel = (dbug==3) ? 2 : 0,
flashvars.autoMute = false;
flashvars.externalInterfaceDisabled = false;
‘targetId’: playerId,
‘wid’: ‘_’ + kalturaId,
‘uiconf_id’: kalturaUi,
‘KalturaSupport.LeadWithHTML5’: true,
‘EmbedPlayer.NativeControls’: true,
‘EmbedPlayer.CodecPreference’: ‘webm’,
‘flashvars’: flashvars,
‘readyCallback’: function(playerId) {
var kdp = $(‘#’ + playerId).get(0);
if(playlist && hardcodedUrl)
//register an ad click
kdp.kBind(‘adClick’, function(){
//register player pause
kdp.kBind(‘playerPaused’, function(){
//register player mute
kdp.kBind(‘mute’, function(){
//register player quartiles
kdp.kBind(‘firstQuartile’, function(){
kdp.kBind(‘secondQuartile’, function(){
kdp.kBind(‘thirdQuartile’, function(){
kdp.kBind(‘playerPlayEnd’, function(){
//initiate click events if we are on a playlist page there is no ad to play
if (flashvars=={} && playlist){
if (!kWidget.isMobileDevice() && enablePreroll)
kdp.kBind(‘adErrorEvent’, function(qPoint) {
faillock = 0;
//enable playlist after ad ends/fails
//record ad as not shown since there was an error
kdp.kBind(‘adLoadError’, function(qPoint) {
faillock = 0;
adlock = 0;
//enable playlist after ad ends/fails
//record ad as not shown since there was an error
kdp.kBind(‘mediaError’, function(qPoint) {
//enable playlist after ad ends/fails
//record ad as not shown since there was an error
kdp.kBind(‘entryFailed’, function(qPoint) {
//enable playlist after ad ends/fails
//record ad as not shown since there was an error
kdp.kBind(‘adStart’, function(qPoint) {
$.log(“nnnAd provider begins delivery…”);
//ads can break and trigger false error events when testing hardcoded urls
if(options.testMobileAdUrl === undefined){
faillock = 1;
setTimeout(function() {
if (faillock == 1) {
$.log(“Ad took more than “+adTimeout+” milliseconds, cut to content video”);
if (playlist && enablePostroll) {
} else {
adlock = 0;
//enable playlists in case the ad times out
//record ad as not shown since there was an error
}, adTimeout);
kdp.kBind(‘onAdPlay’, function(start) {
adLimit -= 1;
$.log(“Possible ads remaining: “+adLimit);
$.log(“Ad started playing”);
//disable timeout that will rebuild the video player
faillock = 0;
//record ad as shown if it begins playing
//disable playlist until ad finishes
// fire when ad is finished playing
if (enablePreroll)
kdp.kBind(‘adEnd’, function(qPoint) {
adlock = 1;
faillock = 0;
$.log(“Preroll Ad ended”);
$.gaEvent(“ad”,”ad ended”);
//enable playlist after ad ends/fails
kdp.kBind(‘playbackComplete’, function(eventData) {
if (enablePreroll) {
if (adLimit 0)
return types;
return false;
function nestedAjax(ad){
function nestedAjaxHelper(ad,original) {
$.log(“Nested ad found: link“);
type: “GET”,
dataType: “XML”,
url: ad.link,
success: function(data) {
var linkNew = $(data).find(“VASTAdTagURI”);
$.log(“Nested Ad XML: “);
//found the mediafile
if(!linkNew.length || !linkNew.text() || linkNew.text()==””){
$.log(“Nested VAST link: “);
globallock = 0;
nestedXML = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(data);
var impression = $(this).find(“Impression”).text();
var error = $(this).find(“Error”).text();
$.log(“Found the ad at: link“);
nestedObject = {
link : ad.link,
error : original.error, //error is empty for this provider
impression : original.impression,
type : original.type
//there is still nested XML, we need to go deeper!
$.log(“Nested VAST link: “);
$.log(“Nesting at: link“);
ad = {
link : linkNew.text(),
error : ad.error, //error is empty for this provider
impression : ad.impression,
type : ad.type
error: function(MLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
$.log(“DFP url returned an empty/corrupted/broken response. Initiating the player without an ad”);
nestedObject = false;
function logAdXML(ad){
if(dbug==3 && hardcodedUrl)
type: “GET”,
dataType: “XML”,
url: ad.link,
success: function(data) {
$.log(“Ad XML: “);
$.log(“Google VAST Inspector – FLASH“);
$.log(“Google VAST Inspector – HTML5“);
error: function(MLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
function selectAdType(ad) {
if (ad == false)
return false;
if(ad.length == 1){
$.log(“One provider found in the ad response. Note that the ad XML might be empty in which case no ads will play”);
return false;
return ad[0];
$.log(“Multiple providers found in the ad response. Picking one according to set preferences”);
for(var providerId in supportedProviders.url){
for(var typeId in ad){
var provider = supportedProviders.url[providerId];
var type = ad[typeId];
return type;
return false;
var type = getAdType(hardcodedAdTagUrl);
var ad = {
link : hardcodedAdTagUrl,
error : “not available for hardcoded testing urls”, //error is empty for this provider
impression : “not available for hardcoded testing urls”,
type : type,
nested : false
$.log(“Ad is not nested – we don’t have hardcoded testing support for nested ads”);
logAdXML(ad); //this makes an extra call to the ad url to display XML when dbug is enabled
//add debugging buttons for copying tags to clipboard
$.log(“VAST url: “);
$.log(“DFP link: “);
$.log(“Page url: “);
$.log(“Media url: “);
} else {
type: “GET”,
dataType: “XML”,
url: adTagUrl,
success: function(data) {
var ad = sortAdTypes(data);
$.log(“Providers available in this ad response”);
$.log(“Ad is empty”);
$.log(“DFP XML: “);
if(ad && ad.nested){
$.log(“DFP VAST uri: “);
$.log(‘Ad is nested’);
globallock = 1;
globallock = 1;
// at this point `nestedObject` is set (check nestedAjax to see what sets it)
//add debugging buttons for copying tags to clipboard
$.log(“VAST uri: “);
$.log(“DFP uri: “);
$.log(“Ad XML: “);
$.log(“Page url: “);
$.log(“Video url: “);
// skip ads if there are no ads in the XML response
} else {
$.log(‘Ad is not nested’);
ad = selectAdType(ad);
logAdXML(ad); //this makes an extra call to the ad url to display XML when dbug is enabled
//add debugging buttons for copying tags to clipboard
$.log(“VAST uri: “);
$.log(“DFP uri: “);
$.log(“Page uri: “);
$.log(“Video uri: “);
error: function(MLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
$.log(“DFP url returned an empty/corrupted/broken response. Initiating the player without an ad”);
} //end kalturaPlayer
(RxWiki News) January is National Birth Defects Prevention Month. And this year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is inviting women and their families to make a PACT to prevent birth defects.
What’s the PACT? According to the CDC, it’s a way for women to lower their risk of giving birth to a child with a birth defect — all by making healthy choices both before and during pregnancy. By making this PACT, women can also lower their risk of other pregnancy complications, such as miscarriage, preterm birth and stillbirth, the CDC says.
P.A.C.T. stands for Plan ahead, Avoid harmful substances, Choose a healthy lifestyle, and Talk to your health care provider.
Although the cause of most birth defects is unknown, the use of some substances and medicines and exposure to some chemicals and infectious diseases during pregnancy have been linked to an increased risk.
A woman should take these steps both before and during pregnancy to help prevent birth defects, according to the National Birth Defects Prevention Network (NBDPN). She should take folic acid; get regular checkups; make sure any medical conditions she has are under control; be tested for infectious diseases and get any necessary vaccinations; eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly; and not use cigarettes, alcohol or other drugs.
Folic acid helps a baby’s brain and spine develop in the first month of pregnancy when a woman might not know she’s pregnant.
January is also a time to recognize those currently living with birth defects and raise awareness for their common, costly and sometimes preventable conditions. According to the NBDPN, birth defects affect about 1 in 33 babies every year and cause about 1 in 5 infant deaths.
Birth defects are abnormal conditions that develop before or at the time of birth. Some are minor, such as an extra finger or toe. Others are serious, such as a heart defect.
For many babies born with a birth defect, there is no family history of the condition. Many birth defects are also not found immediately at birth. A birth defect can affect how the body looks, how it works or both. Some birth defects like cleft lip or spina bifida are easy to see. Others are not.
Thanks to recent medical advancements, children born with birth defects are living longer than ever before. But these children often need specialized treatment, continued care and strong support systems throughout their lives.
That’s why raising awareness is so important.
What can you do to help? The CDC is inviting people to share their birth defect stories on social media by tagging #1in33. People can also share how they are living their PACT for a healthy baby now or sometime in the future by tagging #LivingMyPACT.
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